Welcome back to Blush & Camo! For those of you who follow me on Insta you know that I recently went platinum blonde. I had wanted to take this plunge for years, but was too afraid of what I would look like. Would it be too extreme? Would my roots look insane? Would the blonde match my skin tone? What would it do to the integrity of my hair?!
I’ve been various shades of blonde over the years from bright blonde, to ashy blonde, to dark blonde. There was even a time when I was growing my roots out and had blonde ombre for a more natural look- but never platinum. You might be thinking what made me take the plunge and the answer is two reasons. The first is, I am transitioning out the military and the new hair color signifies a new change! Second, I saw Courtney Kerr rock platinum blonde hair and she looked AMAZING! So amazing in fact, that I wanted to emulate her look so I decided one weekend to just go for it.
Now that I have been platinum for three months I wanted to share my thoughts, both the good and the bad, of having platinum blonde hair. So here we go- we will start with the cons and end of a high note with the pros!
- The biggest downside to platinum blonde hair is that you have to go to the salon to get your roots done more often. I LOVE my hairstylist so hanging out with her is great, but being at the salon prevents you from doing something else during this time. When I had highlights I went to the salon (on average) every 7-8 weeks. Now, with platinum blonde hair I go to the salon every 5 weeks. You could extend the time out between salon’s as often as you like, but usually around week five is when my roots are so bad I have to do something about it!
- When you go to the salon every five weeks this means it’s going to cost more to maintain your hair. I am paying a bit more money to maintain my bright locks verses being able to extend the time between salon visits.
- You have to use purple shampoo which is a special type of shampoo for blonde to prevent brassiness. I guess you don’t have to use purple shampoo, but if I am going to spend the time and money at the salon I want to preserve the color in between visits!
SUMMARY OF THE CONS: Platinum blonde hair takes more maintenance, and therefore more money to upkeep.
- My husband loves it. I mean, that’s a huge reason to continue, right?!
- Platinum blonde has maintained the integrity of my hair! If you think I’m crazy for saying this hear me out. I only put bleach/dye all over my hair the first time I went this hue almost three months ago. Since then, I only get my roots touched up and then they put a toner over all my hair. When I was getting highlights I was putting dye in them every 7-8 weeks which did a lot of damage to my hair. Ever since going platinum blonde my hair feels healthier and my ends aren’t split (yet!). This is one of the main reasons why I have continued to maintain my platinum blonde hue!
- I feel like this is the hair color I should have been born with;). Ridiculous I know, but I feel like my personality type is platinum blonde hair! Blondes have more fun, but platinum blondes have the most fun (totally kidding!).
SUMMARY OF THE PROS: My husband loves this hue and it’s helped maintain the integrity of my hair!
What did you think of today’s blog post?! I would love to hear your thoughts down below! I’ve also linked my outfit and favorite hair products below!
Thank you so much for stopping by Blush & Camo!
xx Julianna

How do you handle your hair in the ocean and then pool and spa water?
Hi Gloria!
That’s a great question. I actually never went into the pool or ocean with my extensions, but I was told by my hair stylist that going into both of these is not a problem with tape-in’s!
xx, Julianna