Welcome back to Blush & Camo! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and it’s right around the corner. Every year I struggle with whether I should go out an buy a costume or go the DIY route. In today’s post I am breaking down the pros and cons of both and sharing with you what I decided to go with this year.
I’ve also linked some costumes (under $60) for you to shop if you decide to purchase your own this Halloween season!
Let’s dive into it!
PROS of a DIY Costume
Ok, here are my list of pros when it comes to a DIY Halloween Costume
- A DIY costume is much less expensive than buying one. For me, this is the biggest pro of a DIY costume.
- DIY costumes can be as creative as you would like!
- You have full control over the creative process of the costume! This means you can pick the colors, materials, and details you would like on the costume.
- A DIY costume usually has pretty or intricate details (if you decide to go all out!)
CONS of a DIY Costume
- A DIY Costume takes time. It takes time to plan out and go get the materials you plan to use for your costume. It also takes time to put the costume together.
- Usually for a DIY costume you have a passion or love of DIY projects. (I struggle with DIY projects because I don’t find them as enjoyable as some women.)
My overall assessment is that there aren’t too many cons to a DIY costume and there are lots of pros! The only area of concern is DIY takes time; for some people this is a disqualifier due to their schedule.
PROS of BUYING your Costume
- There is little time investment involved with purchasing a Halloween costume.
- You can purchase a costume the day before Halloween and still be ready for the festivities!
- You don’t need to worry about any small details with the costume because when you purchase one all the details and materials needed come with it!
CONS of BUYING your Costume
- Sometimes these costumes aren’t as creative as a DIY costume.
- Buying a costume can sometimes be very expensive.
- You have very little control over the creative process. You have control over the accessories and makeup look of your costume, but that’s limited compared to a DIY.
OVERALL ASSESSMENT of BUYING your Halloween Costume
The pros and cons are completely even for purchasing your Halloween costume! The biggest factor that pulls people into buying their costume verses DIY is the convenience. There is no need to plan ahead or go to multiple stores to gather materials; this is a huge draw to some people.
I actually did a hybrid of DIY and purchasing accessories to match my costume! Some of the items I already had in my closet, and some of the items I had to purchase. The DIY part came in when I had to put glitter and stickers all over my tulle skirt!
A HUGE shout-out to Lauren Conrad for giving me all the inspo for this costume!
Here’s a breakdown of what I purchased (Thank God for Amazon Prime!)
- Glitter Suspenders
- Glitter Tights
- Clown Collar
- Velvet Bodysuit
- Glitter Stickers
- Party hat (not pictured)
What I already owned:
- Tulle Skirt
What did I DIY:
- Putting glitter and stickers on my skirt (my DIY skills are very beginner, I know!). Oh, and the stickers didn’t even stick to me skirt, so I have a longggg way to go for my DIY skills!
What do you think of my costume?! Let me know in the comments below! Are you following me on Instagram for your daily dose of inspiration? If not, click here to follow!
Thank you so much for stopping by Blush & Camo!
xx, Julianna
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