Hello Gorgeous! Today I’m sharing with you why I’ve stopped reading fashion magazines and haven’t picked one up in months. Gasp! I know. Can I be a fashion blogger and not read fashion magazines?! This may sound crazy but it’s completely true. I don’t remember the last time that I picked up a fashion magazine.
So where do I get all my fashion inspiration and stay up on trends? From other fashion bloggers of course and also my own personal style! I love following fashion blogs and getting inspo from blogger babes. For me, this is the best way to stay up on trends, fashion advice, and all the latest sales without have to purchase a fashion magazine.
Want to know why I quit reading fashion magazines? Keep reading to find out!
These opinions are completely my own and I would love to hear your opinion on what you think of today’s fashion magazines!
This is my biggest issue with fashion magazines. Every photo is photoshopped to create this ideal image of what a woman should look like. There is no issue with editing a photo to enhance highlights, shadows, colors, and exposure. The problem starts when women’s bodies are altered to give a more “perfect” appearance such as bigger boobs, skinnier legs, ect… These photos are unrealistic body goals for women to try and attain. These photos don’t represent the wide range of body types women have throughout the world. This doesn’t mean that the body types in the photos are wrong- I’m just simply stating that the women you see in fashion magazines don’t represent the large majority of women in the world.
Some companies have taken photoshopping a little too far. H&M has admitted to using computer generated bodies for their ads. This means the bodies you see on their advertisements in magazines or in their stores don’t even exist. They simply take the face of a model and photoshop that on a body that is computer generated and considered “perfect” in society. The problem is that this body image is so unrealistic that no one has this body which is why it’s computer generated. Then, these images are published in magazines and stores allowing women to think this type of body image is realistic. Women start to think “why don’t I look like that?” or “that model is so perfect” when in reality no one looks like that because a computer created it!
Fashion magazines only offer their perspective on what is beautiful. To these magazines this is their “truth” on what beauty is. Flip through one of these glossy magazines and you’ll notice patterns or trends weaved throughout the pages of what these magazines consider beautiful for the season. There is nothing wrong with fashion magazine’s version of what beauty is- but it’s just one definition.
Fashion magazines are not the end all be all of deciding what is beautiful. They do not get the final say in determining what is beauty- you do.
Only you can decide what is beautiful and what isn’t. There are no right or wrong answers for this definition. It’s personal and it’s supposed to be. It’s totally fine to get inspiration from these magazines, but to think this is THE answer to what is beautiful- hell no.
There are 6 billion people on earth and therefore there are 6 billion truths on what is beautiful and what isn’t. You’re the final say in what is beautiful. Magazines shouldn’t have the power to create a single definition of beauty .
Style is the most powerful language in the world. You can make a huge statement without having to say a single word. This also means that style is personal. Magazines can offer their opinions on what is trending, stylish, and a fashion “do” but ultimately the decision is yours.
You can decide to try every single trend of the season, or you can opt not to try any of the latest trends. Fashion magazines are guidelines not rules to help elevate your personal style. Remember- there are no rules in fashion, just suggestions!
Here is an exercise for you! Take a fashion magazine you have laying around your house (or if you don’t have any simply pick one up off the self). Rip out all of the ads that are in the magazine (if you are in the store just flip through the pages).
How much of the magazine do you have left? I’m willing to bet that less than half of that fashion magazine is left with actual content. Isn’t that crazy?!
These magazines are expensive and to have over half the content be ads is not worth the money to spend. Especially when I can go onto my computer and get style advice and inspo from my favorite fashion bloggers!
These are the top reasons why I haven’t read a fashion magazines in the longest time. I would love to hear your opinion on this topic so make sure you leave a comment below so we can get talking!
Follow me along on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook for daily style inspo and if you loved this post don’t forget to share with your friends:). Both your friends, and myself, will thank you!
Thank you SO much for stopping by Blush & Camo!
xx Julianna
Such a wonderful post!!! I could not agree any more with you how style is personal!!! I loveee that! Happy Monday pretty lady!
Thank you so much Victoria! I hope you’re having a wonderful start to your week!
xx Julianna
SO true and spot on! Love this post!
Thank you so much Laura! Sending you tons of love today!
xx Julianna
This was truly a refreshing read! I too get my inspiration from people like you! And other fabulous bloggers! Too many ads, too much Photoshop and yes we define our own style! You always have the best topics! This was a great one and so relatable! Happy Monday babe
Thank you so much Ruthie! That means tons coming from you:). I hope you’re having a wonderful week babe!
xx Julianna
Julianna ,
I am so glad that you have taken such a touchy topic and executed your thoughts in such a respectful way. I agree I haven’t bought fashion magazines in such a long time and I simply lost interest because there are so many great fashion bloggers out there who have great taste like yourself. I also agree that magazines paint perfect images of what they think an ideal woman should look like instead of embracing the different types of figures the world is made up of. I am so glad you shared your opinion on this, woman out there should be able to read this message and not be influenced by false advertisement.
Hi Robin!
Thank you so much for your kind response! I totally agree with everything that you said and I just love following your blog/social media. Your style is amazing! Sending you tons of love today and I hope you’re having a wonderful week:).
xx Julianna
omg! One of my fave posts yet by you!! So funny bc I always used to think it was bad that I’m a fashion blogger and I never read fashion mags- but that is honestly bc I think they are pointless! I see all of the latest trends on my Instagram feed following bloggers. Plus, like you said, the photoshopping is ridiculous. Like cmon. LOVE THIS POST!
Awww thank you SO much Chelsea! You are always so kind and leave the most thoughtful comments. I can’t agree more with what you said:)!
xx Julianna