Instead of creating a weekly wrap up I decided to do a monthly wrap up of all my posts from this month! I have officially been blogging for three months and after just a short period of time I have realized (as many of you already realize) clothes are expensive! For the first month and a half everything I wore was either never shown before (because I just started this blog) or brand new. I realized buying all new clothes is not practical or budget friendly (I don’t think the majority of my readers go out and buy a new outfit every single day). So this is the first month I have done a significant amount of blog posts with clothes I already have in my closet and styled those pieces differently to create an all new look! You can see an example from this post here, and the original pieces were first seen here and here! If you didn’t notice recurring clothing items then I am doing my job as a style blogger;). In these posts I will also link back to the original post I first wore a specified item! I find that by doing this I am both on budget and helping all you amazing readers how to create a completely different look with pieces you already own!
That is the style blogger lesson I have learned this month, and I absolutely love creating these posts for you all! What was your favorite post this month?! I would love to hear from you in the comments below:) Thank you so much for reading!
xx Julianna
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