Welcome back to Blush & Camo! I created this series to be fully transparent with you and to share the ups and downs of blogging. “One Pro, One Con” gives you insight to my journey! I completely forgot to complete August’s post (oops!), so today will encompass both August and September. I would love to hear your thoughts at the end of the blog post! Make sure you leave a comment below!
Ok, here we go! Let’s start with the one con and then end the post on a positive note!
I can honestly say that August and September had way more positives then cons in my blogging journey! The one con I want to talk about in today’s post is balance.
I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to complete all the creative projects I want to do for the blog. Right now, I am struggling with balance (can anyone else relate?! Let me know in the comment below!).
Currently, I work a full time job and also blog. For those who are new to blogging, or simply love being apart of the blogging community, blogging takes a significant amount of time to plan, create, and publish all the content you see on a daily basis! While I adore creating content and it’s my true passion, I am constantly trying to find balance each and every day!
Some days I feel like the meme below, and other days I feel like a rockstar because I am balanced everything perfectly!
I wouldn’t change where I am at for anything, but these last few month as my blog continues to ramp up, finding balance is key!
This is going to be hard to try and narrow it down to one, because so many positive things happened these last two months!
For August and September I am really proud of all the collaborations and creative projects I have in the works. The collaborations are with companies I reached out to and adore. I’m pinching myself thinking I get to work with amazing brands!
I am also working on a few creative projects to bring value to YOU! One of those creative projects is branching out and focusing on photography. I recently did an Instagram post on looking for bloggers to shoot in the Nashville area. I have let fear keep me from photographing anyone other than my family, but I decided in September this was the time to get out of my comfort zone!
I also have some really fun blog posts and exclusive content coming to the blog in the next few weeks and months so be sure to keep an eye out for that!
What did you think of my pros and cons this month! Let me know what you’re loving about your blogging journey below!
Thank you so much for stopping by Blush & Camo!
xx Julianna
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