This past weekend Francesca’s gave me the opportunity to host a shopping party at one of their stores! Of course I said yes! I have been wearing Francesca’s clothing for years and have to say this is one of my favorite brands on the market. Their clothes are beyond chic and the price point is perfect for the woman who wants to look amazing but doesn’t want to spend their entire paycheck on clothing. Everything I go into their store I find something I can’t leave without. Not only are their clothes cute but their accessories are AMAZING! Their accessories range from jewelry to handbags to cute coffee mugs. They understand their customer not only wants stylish clothing, but they also want to surround themselves with chic items as well. I bought a Francesca’s clutch this season and have worn it in a majority of my blog posts (like this one here!) for spring. I also want to add Francesca’s is not paying me to say any of these things. I promised you I would always be truthful in my blog posts and when I find a brand which matches my style I have to tell you all about it!
The shopping party was a blast. Ashley, the store manager, got together with an Aveda Salon and they gave hair and makeup tutorials! I learned how to get beach waves using a flat iron (how cool is that?)! Francesca’s also had cupcakes catered by hello cupcake, a local bakery in the area, and they were delicious! Ashley even set up a mini photo booth complete with fun accessories to goof around with in the pictures (those are my favorite pictures I took!).
I invited 10 of my girlfriends and it was so much fun to all get together and shop! I love styling look together so I helped create outfits for some of my friends. It was fun to see each of their personal styles come out and what they wanted to add to their closet. Each of my friends was different!
Overall it was an amazing experience with a brand I cannot say enough great things about! I look forward to sharing with you all more find I by from their store:)
Thanks so much for reading!
Items I Love at Francesca’s: 1/2/3/4/5
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